About Me

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Austin, Texas, United States

Friday, May 20, 2011


It has been a crazy month since my last post. I finally got a job!  I will be working as a case manager with families of children with some kind of mental illness or disability.  This fits in perfectly with the plan to go to grad school for Social Work.  Application to UT for the spring is in the works! 
At church a few weeks ago, we discussed identity. My identity is rooted in my faith. I am a child of the one true King! At all times, I know exactly WHO I am.  But, here on Earth…what am I?  I guess I’m just like anyone else you might meet on any given day. I'm just a girl, as Gwen Stefani sang back in the 90's.  I’m a 31-year-old woman. I love being literate. Reading and writing are literally two of my favorite things to do, and I am so grateful for the teachers who worked with me along the way.  The very first one was my sister Jennifer.  We used to play school in the back bedroom at my Granny and Pop's house as kids.  She is the reason I could read when I was 4.  It is so amazing to see my nieces Jaden and Jordan doing the same thing now.  It takes me back to all those years ago! Back to identity...I’m someone’s daughter, sister, auntie, niece, friend, and Godmother. I have also held the title of wife, but now that’s ex-wife. I prefer first wife though. Juicy stories. Another day.  
I am a college graduate – Hook ‘em Horns! Once upon a time, I was a teacher for 5 years, a nanny, a personal assistant, a cancer information specialist, Gap salesperson, accounting department stooge, file clerk. None of these things actually define me though. I think, what defines us is our character and what we stand for. The quick history of character is that it starts building in childhood. My parents are both deceased, but I am not an orphan, because I know they are alive in me. Thanks to my dad, Bob, I can laugh at a crass joke and appreciate a good whiskey & coke occasionally. During my childhood, we spent hours listening to LPs, which helped me develop good taste in music. At an early age, he introduced me to classic greats like Cream, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin and Jethro Tull. He also read to us a lot, but I think my sisters outgrew it waaaay before I did. While other kids were hearing Goodnight Moon or The Little Engine That Could before bedtime, we were hearing short stories from Edgar Allen Poe like "The Tell-Tale Heart" and "The Raven". I still enjoy reading a good scary story over a horror film any day. 
From my mom, Bobby, I inherited her small stature, quick wit and sharp, honest tongue. Thanks to her, I have a fierce determination and strong will that matches no one I’ve ever seen. That could be perceived negatively as stubbornness or maybe just positive fortitude. I would say that is how most people know me, along with the fact that I usually hold nothing back. I do everything 100%, so if you ask, I’m going to tell you the truth. In my personal life, I place a very high value on honesty, faithfulness and hard work, which there aren't enough of in this world today.  If I find a friend who embodies these characteristics now...I hold on to them.  My actions have shown that I didn't place enough value on these things in the past, but I have lived through it all to tell the tale. What a sad story life can be.  

You are loved!

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