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Austin, Texas, United States

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Who died and made you king of anything?

I have a special love for Sara Bareilles.  In particular, I am enamored of her ability to write music that suits me perfectly.  I am completely in love with the song King of Anything.  What a picture of being with someone who thinks they know it all.  We all know someone who thinks they are the bestest, smartest, coolest, biggest, etc. Insert their name here:  _________, who died and made you king of anything?????  To the pseudo-kings I have known, this one is for you.  You will not waste any more of my time with your unsolicited opinions because guess what, I'm not lost or drowning or anything else that requires saving.  It's my turn to decide.

Seriously, where do I meet these people?  I've got to get out more. 

Don't forget to remember that you are loved!

1 comment:

  1. Man, I never want you on my bad side!! hehehe! Of course that will never happen or else you can't sleep with all the stuffed animals, dolls, kitchen, and other amazing toys!!! Love and miss you!!!
